Minggu, 28 November 2010

Truss Explorer

The program is designed for simple management of projects.
With Truss Explorer you can easily create quotation or manufacturing documentation for the entire project. Your business partners will appreciate the shareware version of the program, which allows them to view and print trusses designed in program Truss 2D.


  • Possibility to automatically sort projects by date
  • simple truss order in current project including verification of truss checks
  • generating of price calculations and quotations for selected trusses or for the entire project
  • price calculations are not available for freeware version of the program (data protection of the licence owner)


  • several display modes of structures in the project
  • display of general truss properties
  • clear distinction between satisfied, unsatisfied and unchecked trusses
  • summary of static and geometry checks for each truss


  • multiple output documents for entire project or selected trusses
  • printing of summary information about the project
  • saving of output documents to*.pdf and *.rtf files
  • exports of trusses and structures to CAD programs (DXF, CADwork, DiCAM, SEMA)
  • generating of files for computer-controlled machinery equipment

Truss Explorer screenshots

Desktop of program Truss Explorer with truss thumbnailsCalculation of project priceGenerating of output documents

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